Dr Sedar Olmez FRGS

Available via institutional email address

Curriculum vitae

Social Digital Twin - Converging Technologies

Fujitsu Research of Europe

2nd Floor (West), The Urban Building, 3-9 Albert Street, Slough, England, SL1 2BE

HADES Asynchronous Discrete-Event Simulation Python Package

import asyncio
from enum import Enum

from hades import Event, Hades, NotificationResponse, Process, RandomProcess, SimulationStarted

# Let's define our Events

class HeroLifeCycleStage(Enum):
    SAFE = 1
    IN_DANGER = 2
    DECEASED = 3

class LightningBoltThrown(Event):
    target_id: str

class StormCreated(Event):
    target_id: str

class OdysseusDied(Event):

class AthenaIntervened(Event):
    target_id: str

# And now define our Processes

class Zeus(Process):
    async def notify(self, event: Event):
        match event:
            case SimulationStarted(t=t):
                for i in range(0, 100, 25):
                    self.add_event(LightningBoltThrown(t=t + i + 2, target_id="Odysseus"))
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
        return NotificationResponse.NO_ACK

class Poseidon(Process):
    async def notify(self, event: Event):
        match event:
            case SimulationStarted(t=t):
                for i in range(0, 100, 5):
                    self.add_event(StormCreated(t=t + i + 2, target_id="Odysseus"))
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
        return NotificationResponse.NO_ACK

class GoddessAthena(RandomProcess):
    async def notify(self, event: Event):
        match event:
            case SimulationStarted(t=t):
                self.add_event(AthenaIntervened(t=t + 3, target_id="Odysseus"))
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
            case OdysseusDied(t=t):
                if self.random.random() > 0.5:
                    self.add_event(AthenaIntervened(t=t, target_id="Odysseus"))
                    print("athena was too late to save odysseus")
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
        return NotificationResponse.NO_ACK

class Odysseus(RandomProcess):
    def __init__(self, seed):
        self.status = HeroLifeCycleStage.SAFE
        self._health = 100

    def instance_identifier(self) -> str:
        return "Odysseus"

    def _handle_peril(self, t: int, max_damage: int, source: str):
        self.status = HeroLifeCycleStage.IN_DANGER
        print(f"odysseus is in danger from {source}!")
        lost_hp = round(self.random.random() * max_damage)
        self._health = max(self._health - lost_hp, 0)
        print(f"odysseus' health dropped to {self._health}")
        if self._health == 0:
            print("odysseus died")
            self.status = HeroLifeCycleStage.DECEASED

    async def notify(self, event: Event):
        match event:
            case LightningBoltThrown(t=t, target_id=target_id):
                if self.status == HeroLifeCycleStage.DECEASED:
                    return NotificationResponse.ACK_BUT_IGNORED
                self._handle_peril(t, 90, "Zeus' lightning bolt")
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
            case StormCreated(t=t, target_id=target_id):
                if target_id != self.instance_identifier or self.status == HeroLifeCycleStage.DECEASED:
                    return NotificationResponse.ACK_BUT_IGNORED
                self._handle_peril(t, 50, "Poseidon's storm")
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
            case AthenaIntervened(t=t, target_id=target_id):
                print("but athena intervened saving and healing odysseus to 100")
                self._health = 100
                self.status = HeroLifeCycleStage.SAFE
                return NotificationResponse.ACK
        return NotificationResponse.NO_ACK

# Finally lets compose them to build the simulation

async def odyssey():
    world = Hades()

    await world.run()

if __name__ == "__main__":


hades-framework 1.0.2

Ki Insurance


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